Welcome to Camborne Science and International Academy – we hope you enjoy your visit, and the hospitality shown by staff and students alike. The school has many visitors during the course of the day and it has legal obligations to fulfil in managing this, both for the well-being of visitors themselves, and also of students and staff.
As a school, we have a statutory duty regarding safeguarding of children, and we take this responsibility seriously.
Visitors must therefore:
- Park in the designated ‘visitors’ car parking bays. (If this is not possible, please park in an available bay and report that to reception).
- On arrival in school, use the main school entrance and report and sign in at reception, showing proof of identity, where appropriate.
- Wear a CSIA visitors’ badge and sign to acknowledge reading the visitor information on the reverse of the badge.
- Wait in the waiting room until collected by the relevant member of staff.
- Ensure that at all points during the day, you are accompanied by the member of staff who has invited you in (or their delegate).
- Use only the staff cloakrooms in reception when needed. VI Form cloakrooms for visitors to VI Form.
- Sign out at reception on leaving the school, returning the numbered visitors’ badge.
- Should there be a fire evacuation, the member of staff you are with will accompany you out of the building and to the visitor assembly point on the all weather pitch (indentified on your map)