VI Form Academy is in the top 10% of schools

The VI Form Academy is in the top 10% of schools in the UK according to 2019 A-Level performance tables, as well as being the best for student progress in Cornwall.

The A-Level performance tables were released by the government on Thursday, January 23 and show that the VI Form Academy, part of the Camborne Science and International Academy, is top of the county for average point score. The tables also show that the academy is the second-highest for student progress across all state-funded schools in Cornwall.

Vice principal Sarah Belshaw said: “We’re extremely proud of all our staff and students who have contributed to such amazing results and kept The VI Form Academy amongst the top of the tables for progress in Cornwall!

“Our students celebrated fantastic results last summer, with a 100% pass rate for the fifth consecutive year across a range of 27 A-Level subjects. Furthermore, the progress made by our VI Form students has consecutively placed them in the top 10% of the entire country for the past three years.”

The academy recorded an average grade of B-, as well as an overall point score of 37.11 which is the highest amongst state A-Level providers in Cornwall.

The A-Level Performance Table assesses the results of all the schools and colleges in the county.

The VI Form Academy is now taking applications for the 2020 academic year.


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