Student leadership opportunities
Ambition: I am determined to succeed and be the best that I can be
Leadership opportunities can range from within a learning scenario where students are asked to lead the rest of the group or they demonstrate character values in their actions. Through to roles where students go through an application process where they not only represent themselves, but their year group and the school community.
Opportunities include, but are not limited to:
Head Boy and Head Girl – a role that can be applied for in Year 13 of VI Form. There is a strong field of candidates every year and we are so proud of the role these students take in our community including leading our Celebration of Achievement evenings.
VIth Form Student Leadership Team – this team support the running of the VIth Form. They coordinate events and acts of altruism. Roles include Wellbeing and Sports as well as whole school participation.
Prefects – this is a role that students can apply for in Year 10 and then take up role in May of Year 10. This is a year long position which is held in high esteem by all. Students are involved in lunchtime duties, supporting parents evenings, representing the school at public events, and organising the Year 11 Celebration Assembly, Prom and Year Book.
House Captains – There are two House Captains roles available for every House. Our House Captains support all members of their House and epitomise what it means to be a great Abenaki, Aztec, Maori or Masai member. House Captains organise ‘pop-up’ challenges, run House Assemblies and coordinate our annual Christmas Food Bank appeal.
- House representatives – in every tutor group there are two House representatives. Their role is to share information with their tutor group and encourage participation in House Challenges.
- Student Parliament – Students on the student parliament are able to represent the student body. They look at what is going well in the school and suggest points for development. They also organise altruism events across the school including Christmas Jumper Day.
- Eco–committee – Originally a branch of the student parliament and now a self-sufficient student body of those interested in improving the environmental impact that we have. They have recently been awarded Eco-Schools Green Flag Award for their wonderful work across the school and in the community.
- Sports Leaders – Sports Leaders are a group of students who encourage participation in the wide variety of sports we run as a school. They are often the Captains of our teams and actively promote healthy lifestyles. Our Sports Leaders are often involved in running sporting activities in local primary schools.
- Healthy Lifestyles Champions – KS3 students can become involved in the Healthy Lifestyles programme, which encourages those who may not be hugely fond of ‘traditional’ sports, and they look at ways in which we can be active through alternative means and maintain healthy living through what we eat, and how we look after ourselves. They share information via the Camborne Chronicle and tutorial activities.
- Classroom roles – a student can demonstrate leadership in the classroom in a variety of ways. They may lead an activity, have the role of ‘monitor’ within the classroom or be a leader in exemplifying our character values and supporting other students.
- Character Champions – this is a new role for January 2021. Character Champions will support and promote character values across the school.
- Learning Ambassadors – applications will be open in January 2021. Learning Ambassadors represent the lesson they are in, it is their role to share with visitors what is happening in the lesson. Within the lesson they will also support others as a lead learner.