Mia’s Magic Journey

Year 7 student Mia R, has raised over £30,000 for local care home Blackwood House. Being awarded the prestigious South West Carers Award in recognition for unbelievable efforts.

Mia’s marathon effort began in April 2021 when she decided to spend lockdown running the distance between Land’s End and John O’Groats on her family’s cross trainer. Her original aim was to raise £500 towards the cost of an interactive magic table for residents at Blackwood House in Camborne where her mother, Bernie, works as a carer.

She has now succeeded in buying two – together with a greenhouse, handmade furniture for the garden and hairdressing equipment. A new summerhouse is also planned for 2022. “My nan lived at Blackwood House during her twilight years, so I have first-hand experience of how very caring and dedicated staff there are,” said Mia.

Her incredible efforts, led to her being appointed as Cornwall Care’s first Young Carer Ambassador. Her role is to continue help to raise the charity’s profile and encouraging others to follow in her footsteps.

Mia’s parents, Bernie and Dan, are their daughter’s staunchest supporters. “We are extremely proud of the young lady Mia is growing into,” said Bernie. “Since her early school years she has always put others first and looked to help those less fortunate.

“With Mia’s determination it comes as no surprise to us that she has managed to raise such an incredible amount of money at such a young age. Here’s hoping that she can continue to help out raising more funds in her role as Young Ambassador and more importantly, maybe inspire others to follow her example.”

CSIA wish huge congratulations to Mia who has demonstrated altruism and ambition in all of her selfless fundraising efforts.

You can follow Mia’s efforts at:  @Miasmagicjourney


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