Mental Health and Wellbeing

The World Health Organisation states that “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” and that “mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
Mental health and well-being are fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, feel, interact with each other, earn a living and enjoy life and the promotion, protection and restoration of mental health is a vital concern of individuals and communities. At Camborne Science and International Academy we feel that good mental health and well-being can best be realised through creating a whole school culture that seeks to promote positive relationships throughout our community and implementing targeted and specific actions to promote the health and well-being of our students, parents and staff.
The school’s policy on promoting positive mental health can be accessed here
At CSIA we have a Designated Mental Health Lead;
Fi Rowles – Jane.
She has completed the Level 4 Designated Mental Health Lead training.
Her role is to
- Oversee the help the school gives to students with mental health problems
- Help staff to spot students who show signs of mental health problems
- Offer advice to staff about mental health
- Refer children to specialist services if they need to
- Signpost students and parents to outside agency support
- Provide support and training for staff in school
- Create a space in school where students feel they can attend to discuss their mental health and wellbeing
- Create a website page on mental health and wellbeing for students, staff and parents to access
- Create podcasts about mental health and wellbeing to support students, staff and parents.
- Create Wellbeing Ambassadors for students in school to be able to access
- Work with staff to create Staff Wellbeing Ambassadors for all staff in school
- Create a 5 week education programme for parents / carers proffering activities and insight into neuroscience trauma (SPACE)
- To work closely with the Designated Safeguarding Team.
Part of the role is to promote and encourage a positive work environment through supporting staff with their health and wellbeing. As well as running a range of initiatives to encourage mutual care and support (e.g. Wellbeing Ambassadors, SPACE Training, social events, sports, and wellbeing activities). Within the staff training we will be looking to support staff in their own working practices through delivering training aimed at developing reflective working habits. A number of the Wellbeing Ambassadors for staff are trained in Mental Health First Aid enabling them to identify warning signs that someone may be experiencing mental health problems. Alongside this the Wellbeing Ambassadors provide colleagues with sign-posting to information relating to health and wellbeing including details of local organisations that focus on specific issues.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Student Booklet
Top Tips to Support your Mental Health and Wellbeing
Summer Activities for in the Local area – Why don’t you? Club’, there is a timetable of various activities that CN4C are offering free of charge over the summer. The days are designed for families to spend time together. This is open to all families.
Friday 7th July 2023 – Newsletter
Managing Back to School Anxiety
Friday 15th September 2023 – Newsletter
Friday 29th September 2023 – Newsletter
Friday 20th October 2023 – Newsletter
Friday 10th November 2023 – Newsletter
Friday 1st December 2023 – Newsletter
Friday 26th January 2024 – Newsletter
Friday 1st March 2024 – Newsletter
CSIA provides a wide range of activities to boost the wellbeing of pupils and staff, including:
- A Self-Referral form that students can access to ask for support, pastoral help or counselling drop-in sessions during lunch times
- A confidential post box where students can request help privately. This is located outside of Mrs Rowles – Jane office in the hub
- All students have access to a ‘wellbeing pack’ with resources to encourage them to look after their mental health with advice about places to get support
- Students can access the fact sheets, activities and podcasts
- Staff will create videos to raise awareness and keep the conversations around mental health open to reduce stigma
- There are ‘Mindfulness‘ activities shared through tutorials for students to take part in
- The school is regularly is involved in mental health awareness days to raise awareness and for students to access support
- A LGBTQ+ group has started for students
- Staff have recently been trained by Mermaids UK in gender and diversity
- A email address dedicated for Mental Health and Wellbeing. Please email if you have any suggestions on how we can improve students, staff and parental wellbeing at CSIA.
- Help for Parents
- Support in Cornwall
- Cornwall Child Protection & Safeguarding
- Cornwall Early Help Hub
- CAMH’s
- Anna Freud National Support
- Kooth Online Support
- Young Minds information booklet
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support
- Talking to your child about Sexual Harassment
- Self – Harm Support
- Coping with Self-Harm: A Parents Guide
- NHS Support for Self-Harm
- Young Minds Parental Support
- Young Minds Eating Disorder Support
- Bereavement Support
- Drugs and Alcohol misuse support
- YZUP Support
- Mental Health Support for Parents and Carers
Factsheets and Information
- Anxiety
- Bereavement
- Emotional Resilience Tool ESS in the community
- How to be Mentally Healthy at Work
- How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety
- How to look after your Mental Health
- Let’s Get Physical
- Mindful Yoga
- Positive Steps to Well-Being
- Staff Tips
- U Can Cope
- Understanding Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Loneliness and how to access support
- Self – Care
- How Listening to the Body’s Clock Can Help Students Learn Faster & Be More Productive
Self- Help Recordings
- Recognising and responding to faulty thinking patterns
- Managing angry outbursts using calm communication
- Learning from angry, aggressive or anxious meltdowns – 5 whys
- Helping Children Overcome School Refusal
- How to Listen so Young People Feel Supported
- Promoting Positive Body Image
- Eating Disorders: 10 Warning Signs
- 7 Guidelines for Supporting A Loved One with an Eating Disorder
- 7 Simple Ways to Calm Anxious Thoughts and Feelings
- Anxiety: 6 ways to make life more manageable
- 4 ideas for supporting a child with anxiety
- What Not to Say if a Child is Self-harming
- Self-sooth boxes – what, why, how?
- Creating a healthier coping plan to help stop self-harming
- Self-harm – how to stop – recovery ideas that work
- 4 strategies for Getting Through Panic Attacks
- Using Mindful Moments to Reduce Anxiety
CAMH’s Resources
- The Anxious Child
- The Little Book of Mindfulness
- Top Tips for Feeling Good
- Issues with Self-Esteem
- The Good-Night Guide for Children
- Trauma and Young People
- Building Resilience in Children
- Self-Help in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Looking after myself
- Anger Self-Help Guide
- Guide for Parents – Anxiety
- Positive Parenting
- CBT Booklet
- Managing Worries
- Enhancing Resilience
- Anxiety Self – Help Guide
- Keeping Your Cool
- Understanding what CBT is
- Helping Parents to Increase Emotional Intelligence
- Problem Solving
- A Recovery Programme for Depression
- Stories that Never Stand Still
- Emotional Regulation
- You Can Cope When Life Gets Difficult
- Helping Your Child with OCD
- Parents Guide to Depression
- Parents Guide to Eating Disorders
- Come Out and Say It
- Mindful Colouring
- Supporting Children when someone has a terminal illness
- Supporting Children when someone dies
- Do you worry about coming to school
- Emotionally Based School Avoidance
- Managing Social Media
- Helping Someone
Attend our revision strategy evenings. We will help you and your child break down what they need to revise, how to do it and when – it becomes less of a mountain and becomes manageable, controllable chunks. VIth Form students can use the same strategies that they learned in Year 10 and 11 throughout Year 12, 13 and beyond. All year teams provide revision packs. It takes 21 days to build a habit. You can support your child in building good revision habits by using the strategies shared in these evenings.
Use the power of yet. Don’t accept “I don’t get it” “I will never get it” – support your child in changing their thoughts to “I don’t get it yet”… then help them look through knowledge organisers, email subject teachers for guidance and find solutions.
Help them get organised. Clear a study area, good lighting, folders for their notes and revision cards – away from distractions like the TV. Help them find their revision guides and notes in their rooms/bottom of bags etc – they SHOULD be in their folders… however, we all know that occasionally young people manage to lose things.
Be tolerant of revision posters – the physics equations on sticky notes around the bathroom mirror – they are helping your child to remember them whilst brushing their teeth. The quotes from Romeo and Juliet stuck on the back of the toilet door… they are helping and will go after their exams!
Set a timer. Set 30 minutes to review the set physics equations for example. When the 30 minutes is up, they can have a break with a drink/snack for 5 minutes, and then start another 30 minutes.
Keep them active. Go for walks. Interacting with the environment can have a positive impact on our mental health. Build in a time in their revision schedule to go for a walk with your child. Going for a walk also gives them a neutral environment to share any worries they may have, or just to walk in silence but know that they are supported. If outside is not an appealing space for your child reflect back on what you did during lockdown to encourage exercise in the house, did you have a dance in the kitchen or do a Joe Wicks workout together for example? These work just as well now. Open a window so they get fresh air to revitalise them.
Share worries. We encourage students to share their worries with a trusted adult as this can help the worries become smaller and more bearable as the load is shared. We find that students are often more comfortable talking about worries if they are not sat down and are doing something like drawing, going for a walk, being outside. We tell them to make you a cup of tea, suggest taking the dog for a walk, helping to fold the washing, helping dry the plates whilst you or they wash up etc – a space where they can have a conversation with you and be calm in the process.
Staff Wellbeing
Megan Benton
As a school, we are seeking to foster a collegiate environment, in which staff are listened to, feel supported and support each other in their continued professional development. We all aim to display a genuine interest and concern in the health and wellbeing of our colleagues, give ourselves time to listen and think, and do our utmost to create a positive working environment and consider that the demands we place upon our staff are reasonable, equitable and impactful.
- We have a genuine commitment to supporting staff wellbeing, health and happiness through a culture of belonging to, and participation in, the wide range of experiences the school has to offer such as our International and Co-curricular programmes which give staff members the opportunity to forge strong relationships with each other, new colleagues and students.
- We endeavour to support staff with their emotional and physical health by providing staff with services such as the use of the fitness suite, organised staff fitness activities (currently bootcamp, football and yoga), free flu jabs, NHS health checks and access to mental health and wellbeing support.
- There are no prizes for looking busy or staying late. We advise staff members to work in a way which suits them and ensures they make time for themselves and their family (support is always available if this is becoming impossible).
- We advise that no emails (with the exception of submitting a safeguarding MyConcern) should be sent after 6pm on a weekday or at all during weekends and holidays. We recommend the scheduling of emails to pre-empt and support staff workload.
- We have devised an assessment calendar which builds in significant time for standardisation, moderation and collaborative dialogue with deadlines which are deliverable within an agreed and reasonable time frame.
- As a school, we are developing approaches to assessment that do not require excessive or unnecessary collections of summative data and meaningfully incorporate a range of less formal formative assessment opportunities and DIRT through responsive teaching strategies.
- Staff members are able to choose their own duty areas and days to manage their own workload more effectively and the amount of time staff are asked to be on duty directly correlates with their contract time.
- We are a compassionate school and we regularly go above and beyond when supporting staff through extreme circumstances.
- In addition to staff social events, each half-term, we have a wellbeing week where there are no after school commitments such as meetings, intervention or co-curricular and we provide staff with opportunities to forge relationships across the school and try new things and have some fun.
- Culture of respect: one of our character values is respect and this applies to all interactions between all members of our school (be it students or staff). We aim towards a calm purposeful environment in order to reduce stress and anxiety. In addition to this, we do not tolerate disruption in the classroom and our strong centralised systems and support make this completely possible, if teachers follow the procedures closely.
- We have outlined a clear ‘care structure’ within school where each staff member knows who to speak to regarding emotional and physical health. Every staff member is appointed a dedicated and specially trained Wellbeing Mentor and there are clear support mechanisms in place for supporting staff members who may require external support.
- We value our staff members’ opinions and will invite staff to complete a yearly anonymous survey where they can share their views regarding workload and wellbeing so that we constantly reflect and improve our support mechanisms.
Staff Comments
John Ross – NEU representative
The School recognises the importance of staff well-being and seeks to ensure that the voice of staff is heard. To affect this, the School commissioned an independent staff survey at the beginning of the 2020/2021 academic year and has acted upon the feedback. There is also genuine engagement with education unions who are active in contributing to policy discussions, supporting staff in the School, and are readily accessible.
Bonnie Powell – Wellbeing Mentor
Being a wellbeing mentor for me was a great way to make contact with people I would never have met otherwise. It is incredibly rewarding to be able to support my colleagues with workload and wellbeing issues. As a fairly new member of staff it has also been one of the best opportunities to get to know staff on a personal level and as individuals. The group of mentors are a positive, approachable and friendly bunch too and meeting virtually with them to chat over lock-down was a refreshing and positive experience. I also run an Art to Unwind class on Fridays after school which is an excellent way to connect with colleagues and relax after a busy week.
Harriette Waterton-Gullick
During my NQT year I’ve found that I can approach any member of staff for help. Having a strong staff community means that I never feel alone and makes me feel part of a team, which in turn helps my wellbeing.
Kelly Hendrick – Leader of Excellence Science
As a middle leader I have a job to ensure that ‘no man is an island’- we are in this together. It is my responsibility to ensure that the people within my department are supported, feel a sense of community and know they are not alone. I am able to be a beacon of positivity for people that need it, because I can rely on senior leaders to give me the support, encouragement and enthusiasm I need too.
This academic year, CSIA has been working on developing its mental health and wellbeing provision for staff. The school are developing a “Toolkit for Mental Health at Work Plan” to reinforce the systems that are in place and to identify where to develop further. Supporting Staff Wellbeing in Schools is a short booklet that examines what we mean by staff wellbeing, what can impact on staff wellbeing and how to lead a school that prioritises wellbeing.
INSET day has been planned for this academic year. Through staff briefing we will be sharing key information surrounding Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Staff have the opportunity to take part in free NHS Health checks through the Virtual Lifestyle Assessment or the Face to Face Assessment. These are there for staff to access at different points of the academic year and during wellbeing weeks.
All teaching staff are assigned a wellbeing mentor who has completed the Mental Health First Aid qualification. They are there as a first point of call if there is an issue and they would like to talk to someone.
New for December 2022 – Fi Rowles – Jane has completed training with seven members of the Support Staff team to become Wellbeing Mentors. Each Wellbeing Mentor will be allocated a member of the support staff to check in on and be the first point of call if there is an issue and they would like someone to talk too
There is also a self-referral form which staff can complete if they would like some additional support.
As a school we are developing a culture and atmosphere where people are able to have open and honest conversations, to reduce stigma and to demonstrate that it is “OK to not be ok; as long as support is taken”.
New for December 2022 – Fi Rowles – Jane has revamped the Staff Room to make it more inclusive and suitable for all staff. The Staff Room now has a microwave, kettle, toaster, tea, coffee and sugar supplies as well as sofas for staff to relax in their breaks. There is also a shelf dedicated to books, magazines and puzzles; where staff can complete a ‘swap’.
Be Kind to Your Mind – Learning Lab blog post
Staff Wellbeing Activities – Autumn Term
Talking Therapy Support for Over 18’s
Staff Advent Calendar – Young Minds
Staff Newsletter – January 2023
Cornwall College Discount on Treatment for CSIA Staff – Price List
Yoga in association with Showcase Studios
Thank a Teacher Day – Wednesday 21st June 2023
Today it is National Thank a Teacher Day. We recognise at school all the amazing staff we have at CSIA and our students really are thankful for all the hard work that they do. But it’s not just about thanking teachers. All staff in school help in some way and therefore it is important for us to celebrate all the staff in school. Students in tutorials have been busy writing postcards to a member of staff who has helped, supported, listened, guided or cared for them. In addition, as a school we would like to thank all staff and therefore after staff briefing in the main hall tomorrow (Thursday 22nd June) there will be cakes for you to enjoy.
Free Staff Flu Vaccinations – Friday 6th October please see Fi Rowles – Jane if you would like to book in.
World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 – 10th September 2022
World Mental Health Awareness Day – 10th October 2022
International Stress Awareness Week – 7th November
Anti – Bullying Awareness Week – 14th November
- Kidscape Flyer
- Tree Flyer
- Ant-Bullying Powerpoint
- Children Top Ten
- Parental Pack
- Top Tips for Parents
Mental Health Awareness Week WB 6th February
It is important to
Stress Awareness Month – April 2023
The Stress Awareness Month
Stress and poor mental health are one of the biggest public health challenges that we’re facing. Sadly, even though that is the case, we are still not taking its impact seriously enough. We continue to separate mental health from physical health and vice versa. The reality is they cannot be separate – they are two sides of the same coin. There is no health without mental health and stress can lead to numerous health problems. From physical problems, like heart disease, insomnia, digestive issues, immune system challenges, etc to more serious mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to raise awareness of the causes and cures for our modern-day stress epidemic. It is the time when we have an opportunity for an open conversation on the impact of stress. Dedicated time to removing the guilt, shame, and stigma around mental health. To talk about stress, and its effects and open up about our mental and emotional state with friends, families, colleagues, and professionals.
Team around the schools carousel day- 28/6/23
On Wednesday 28th June the following services are coming to CSIA to provide students with information about their services. This is an opportunity for students to speak with external professionals.
- Kooth
- Smile together dental services
- Healthy Cornwall
- School Nursing
Mental Health Week 5th February
CSIA In-House Intervention
At CSIA we have developed our own in-house intervention to support your child’s Mental Health and Wellbeing. There are a range of interventions already in place which include:
Useful links:
Peer Mentors at CSIA
22 Year 7 students have completed their Peer Mentor Training on the 17th May 2022. This is the first cohort of learners to be trained to support students as part of the Designate Mental Health plan. The students were excellent throughout the training day and were fantastic ambassadors in front of the external provider. These students are now working closely with Mrs Rowles – Jane to support the primary transition for students who have been identified by the primary schools. Each student today has received a certificate and a Peer Mentor badge.

Peer Mentors
The Diana Award 
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
On Tuesday 29th November, Mrs Rowles – Jane took 7 students from Year 8 and 9 to Helston Community College to complete the training day. The day consisted of three sessions. During session one the students learnt about what it means to be an Anti-Bullying Ambassador. In session two the students explored what bullying behaviour is and how to support their peers . In session three the students began to develop their own Anti-Bullying campaign to be introduced at CSIA.
The students were excellent and great role models for our school. Over the next term, we will be looking to review our Anti-Bullying work and our policy at school. Mrs Rowles – Jane will be meeting with the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at school on a Wednesday during tutorial from January.
All of the students received an Anti-Bullying Ambassador badge and certificate for attending the session.
We have launched a new webpage for Anti – Bullying on our school website.
VI Form Peer Mentors
On Thursday 2nd December, Mrs Rowles – Jane completed Peer Mentor training to some VI Form students who had applied to become a Peer Mentor. These students have put themselves forward to become a Peer Mentor to a Key Stage Four student as they are looking to support younger students. Some of the VI Formers have career aspirations to go into this field of work therefore this experience will look good on their University Applications and CV. In January, these VI Formers will be working with Year 11 students to support them for the rest of this academic year.
Peer Mentors for September 2023
At the beginning of January we launched the Peer Mentor programme to Year 7 students. Students who were interested applied to become a Peer Mentor by completing an application form. 25 students in Year 7 have been selected to support with the Primary Transition this academic year. The Year 7 Peer Mentors completed two days of training in May. The students were excellent during the training and asked some fantastic questions. All of the Peer Mentors received a badge and a certificate. On Thursday 22nd June the Peer Mentors met with the Year 6 mentees who are coming up to CSIA in September 2023. The Peer Mentors completed a tour of the school as well as some fun activities to get to know each other. In September, the Peer Mentors and Mentees will meet up once a week during tutorial to support with any concerns or questions they have.
Orange Button Scheme
As a school we are part of the Orange Button Scheme. The scheme is a way of identifying people that have undertaken suicide prevention training and showing others in the community that you are
- Comfortable to say / hear the word suicide
- Can listen without judgement
- Can inform people where to find help and support
Cornwall Council want to create a community of Orange Button wearers across Cornwall. As a school community we can listen non-judgementally and be the first step to helping move people towards the information and support they need. This is not a substitute for counselling, mental health support or a crisis service. It is about listening, signposting and information giving. You will see this badge in school in the hub and also members of staff will be wearing it on their lanyards.

Menstrual Cycle Support
We are often approached by parents and students asking for support with period pain and other symptoms and we look forward to being able to support them with this much needed new menstrual health service, which we hope will become a key part of our mental health policy.
Pioneering menstrual health organisation, Menstrual Cycle Support, are looking for young people (aged 13 – 18 yrs) to join their Youth Advisory Group.
CSIA is working alongside selected schools and students across the UK to help co-design a pioneering new clinically-backed digital menstrual health and wellbeing service for young people who are struggling with their periods and menstrual cycle symptoms.
This is a fantastic opportunity for CSIA students and staff to help lead the national conversation on menstrual health.
If you are a student interested in Women’s Health, Fem/Health Tech, Period Poverty, Menstrual Activism and would like to get involved in this fantastic opportunity, please contact
For more information

Mental Health First Aid Training – Adult / Children
The following members of staff have completed the Adult Mental Health First Aid Award.
Rach Trevarthen
Fi Rowles – Jane
Megan Benton
Jo Greet
Natasha Haraymiw
Sally Richards
Kim Field
Sarah Deacon
Sarah Eastburn-Cutts
Lizzie McIntosh
SPACE CYP- Supporting Parents and Children Emotionally
Parental Awareness of Self-Harm
Suicide Prevention Training online
Safeguarding Practice Reviews
When and How to make Targeted and Specialist Referrals: a guide for school staff and parents
NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health
School Bereavement Champion course with Penhaligon’s Friends
Suicide First Aid Training and Level 4 City & Guilds qualification In Suicide