Learning and Teaching
RARE Teaching
Responsive and Reflective, Evidence-based Teaching
Cognitive Science and Formative Assessment in Practice
Responsive teaching blends planning and teaching. It is based on an understanding of how students learn from cognitive science, with formative assessment to identify what students have learned and adapt accordingly. Responsive teaching benefits from the research evidence and practical wisdom which has accumulated around cognitive science.
- As a school, we are developing approaches to assessment that do not require excessive or unnecessary collections of summative data and meaningfully incorporate a range of less formal formative assessment opportunities and DIRT through RARE teaching strategies.
- Our marking and feedback policy outlines clearly what and how we mark to ensure that marking is meaningful, motivational for students, and manageable for staff.
- We believe that staff deserve both praise and feedback to help them progress. We do not formalise or grade lesson observations but we do support staff by providing at least one opportunity for feedback on an aspect of their practice at least once per half term.
- We operate a training model where some of our INSET days are collapsed and the training takes place in twilight time during the year. CPD is delivered through a mixture of whole school RARE teaching CPD and optional CPD sessions within a carousel structure to enable staff to prioritise their individual needs.
- CPD is always evidence led and designed in response to the needs of the staff as a whole. It is also used as a vehicle for sharing best practice amongst colleagues and creates opportunities for staff to take a lead in an area of personal interest. All CPD sessions are calendared in advance.
- The Virtual CPD platform allows part-time colleagues to have fair access to the programme and also encourages staff members to ‘lift the lid’ on the CPD they have access to; they are not limited by the programmes which are available to them and are rewarded for the contributions they make to the programme through the ‘Professional Portfolio’ awards.
- The CSIA ELT programmes offer CPD for current and aspiring middle leaders by giving support through training and access to Pixl strategies.
- We believe in a non-hierarchical approach to professional development – there are things a senior leader can learn from an NQT and vice versa.
- We value our staff and their future progression. To support this, we regularly support staff through the ‘NPQ’ accredited leadership qualifications and Masters programmes. We provide comprehensive support for NQTS/ECTs, PGCE students and SCITT trainees with dedicated mentors and regular meetings, professional studies CPD and opportunities to meet with the L&T leads to offer feedback.
- We offer staff opportunities to develop and strengthen their teaching through voluntary coaching and we offer support and development if there are elements in staff members’ teaching which require development.
- We aim to foster a culture where any member of staff feels they can approach any member of the Learning and Teaching team at CSIA at any time to discuss their development.
- We trust our teachers to decide the best approaches for their students and we do not prescribe specific teaching activities. In addition to this, we never ask teachers to write and share individual lesson plans, follow ‘fads’ which are not based on evidence or create multiple resources for differentiation.