Camborne Science and International Academy need your help! We are looking for staff and students to take part in enough exercise so that CSIA visits all of our international schools across the world! Your task is simple – take part in some form of exercise, record and log your distance, and then watch as CSIA travels the world (virtually), visiting our different international partner schools, as well as the Olympic Games in Tokyo!

What to do

1. Take part in some form of exercise – cycling/running/walking.

2. Record how far you go. There are apps available that allow you to record the distance you travel. Alternatively you could use your phone to record your number of steps (2000 steps = 1mile).

Every distance that is entered, we virtually travel further away from our school, and closer to one of our destinations.

4. Look at the leader boards as you compete in year groups, houses and staff vs students.

5. The more you individually exercise and the further you go, the more rewards you can win!

Harry J, Teen cycling sensation, aiming for Team GB

The Route

Location Distance (Miles) Cumulative Miles
1. Camborne Science and International Academy 0 0
2. Odulphuslyceum School, Netherlands 462 462
3. Beihang University, China 4,890 5,352
4. Korean Science Academy of KAIST, South Korea 767 6,119
5. Ritsumeikan High School, Japan 378 6,497
6. OLYMPIC GAMES – Japan National Stadium, Japan 233 6,730
7. Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, Thailand 2,869 9,599
8. Kamnoetvidya High School, Thialand 93 9,692
9. National University, Singapore 829 10,521
10. National Junior College, Singapore 3 10,524
11. Australian Science and Mathematics School, Australia 3,368 13,889
12.  John Monash, Melbourne 483 14,372
13. Fort Richmond Collegiate, Canada 9,493 23,865
14. Camborne Science and International Academy 3,800 27,665

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