What Is The CCF?
The Royal Air Force Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a Ministry of Defence (MOD) sponsored scheme with the aim of providing…
“a disciplined organisation in a school so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance.”
It is not a recruiting organisation but a significant proportion of officers in the armed forces have served in the CCF. As the CCF is sponsored by the MOD, we have access to an extensive range of training facilities used by UK regular forces personnel.
Pupils can join our CCF section from year 8 onwards. We typically recruit in the autumn term each year, although some pupils are accepted throughout the year.
What Do We Do?
We parade every Tuesdays after school (3-5pm). Cadets work through the CCF syllabus to gain qualifications and promotions. Typical activities include:
Leadership, drill (marching), target shooting, flying/gliding, first aid qualifications, radios, map reading and navigation, fieldcraft skills, sports and more.
How to join?
Speak to Mr Lister in Room 105 in the mornings (if student), call the school (01209 712280 – mainly parents) or email (lister@cambornescience.co.uk)
Meet the team
The CCF has only been running for 3 years, we have been through a few staff members who couldn’t commit due to various reasons e.g retiring and leaving school. It was founded by Flt Lt Max Lister who is the OC. He is a experienced teacher who served in the Army and has a lot of knowledge and useful skills. Similarly, Cadet Flight Sgt Davis who started helping out with the CCF because of her experience gained from 77 squadron Redruth air cadets has been with the unit form day one. With the help of these professionals, CSIA CCF has created a good environment where cadets can learn, work as a team and progress in useful life skills such as communication and discipline.
Within the CCF, cadets can be promoted to 4 ranks, each rank slightly high than the last – this indicates more responsibilities. Promotions are based in enthusiasm and the ability to lead a group. Promotions are an equal opportunity for all.