6,000 mile science adventure takes Camborne students to Japan

From Camborne to Osaka. Nine students from Camborne Science and International Academy have returned from a world-renowned Science Fair in Japan which was attended by 44 schools from 29 countries.

“The Japan Super Science Fair gives students from across the globe the chance to work together, make friends and share their love of Science,” said Dr Jo Foster, director of Nexus and the Gifted STEM programme. “From the minute we arrived, we knew we were in for a fantastic visit.

“Our students were greeted by their Japanese buddies, many of which were already good friends from their visit to CSIA only a few months ago. We were also greeted by Pepper, Ritsumeikan High School’s resident robot who was on hand to give information and even gave us a little dance.”

Students were immersed in Japanese culture from the beginning, being placed in a home-stay with a Ritsumeikan student. “Staying with peers and their families allowed our young people to live and soak up the Japanese of life – it was a very enriching learning experience,” said Zoe Mote, deputy director of key stage three.

Students took part in a whole host of educational challenges throughout their visit, presenting a science project titled “the impact of UV light on the growth of bacterial colonies” in front of a panel of teachers and professors. “Students were asked questions about their research in which they confidently explained their methodology and the impact that their research could make to benefit the wider world. We were so impressed,” added Dr Foster.

Students worked in collaboration with their peers from across the world to solve scenarios and use science as a way to come up with solutions and to further research. “One of my favourite parts of the trip was visiting different successful and innovative businesses, which are at the forefront of their work and research,” said Maisy D, of year ten. “They were all doing amazing things with science and it was very inspiring.”

CSIA students enjoyed various attractions and experiences including shopping in Downtown Kyoto and Osaka, visiting numerous Temples and Shrines such as the Osaka Castle, walking through the Bamboo Forest, enjoying Japanese cuisine, flying drones and cultural performances from their peers across the world.

“We were so impressed by the independence of the students and the maturity with which they approached both the academic conference and the cultural aspects of the visit,” added Dr Foster.

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